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I'm a Grandma?

Grandma - that's what I'm calling myself, anyway.

Despite not having biological children, I've always been "Mom" to various cats, dogs and other creatures. "Grandma" never entered my thoughts, though. Until now.

You may already know about the feral kitty I trapped outside in late March. She was pregnant, of course. On May 14-15, Mom Bella had her kittens.

Sadly, out of the two who were born, only one survived. And, survive, he did! He's now a thriving, almost six-week-old kitten. Brad, the other human in the house, named him Skeeter, a signal to me that there was no question about keeping the little one. Whew.


Not having recent dealings with newborn kittens, this has certainly been a learning experience. Fortunately, Mom Bella did the hardest work. In fact, she's been a great mom. But, she could not do some things. And, those "some things" fell to me.

Around 10 days after Skeeter was born, one beautiful blue eye opened. The other? Nope. Crusted shut. One trip to the vet later, after a cleaning, I found myself putting gel into the eye every few hours for 10-days. That didn't go over well with the tiny tuxedo with the loud voice, but the eye? Both are now beautiful and beginning to change from blue to whatever adult color they become.

Now we're at the critical time of learning to eat solid food. Mom Bella is working on the weaning part. I'm working on the rest. And, wouldn't you know it? Another problem! Apparently the transition can cause constipation! Ouch!

Now Skeeter gets a little pumpkin in his food to help ease things along. I certainly do not want my grandchild to be uncomfortable!

Greta, Chevy, Rudy and Trudy are none too happy about the little whipper-snapper. Bonks on the head and spitting are the norm at the moment.

What's ahead for Skeeter? We have shots and neutering and all sorts of fun things ahead. And, feral Mom Bella? She is progressing. She has reached out to touch me on her own. Not only that, but she gave me a nose kiss the other day. Still terrified of hands, I can't reach out and stroke her. I will continue to work with her and hope she learns to trust.

A local organization, FixErie, will pay for Bella's spay and vaccines. After that, we will either try to find the right home for her or she will stay here. She will never have kittens, never go hungry, and never have to fight for what she needs again.

As for me? This new grandma is a wreck. Keeping track of Skeeter when he's out exploring and making sure he's safe is a full time job. Where is he now? Skeeter? Skeeter? He does usually come when called, but not always. He is a cat, after all. And, of course, I'm in love.


FixErie gladly accepts donations for their excellent work of trapping feral cats and spaying or neutering them to reduce the homeless population. Visit the FixErie website if you can help.

Erie Trap & Release is another organization that fights the overpopulation of feral cats and kittens in the region. Visit the website to learn more and donate.

Grandma Graphic attribution: Grandma Vectors by Vecteezy


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